your request for photos

we're thrilled at the response we' ve gotten from all our friends about nicolas - it's been so great to hear from everyone. one thing people seem to want is more pictures. we took some more today and have uploaded them to our flickr site (just click the "our flickr photos" link in the right column of this page. then click the set called "nicolas.") the poor guy's still in ICU, hooked up to monitors and IVs while they try to get his temperature regulated, so you may see some wires on him. He's also got some newborn rashes and birthmarks on his eyes and cheeks, so you'll notice he's a little extra pink in those areas.

we met with the pediatrician today. she'll have his test results tomorrow, and should be able to let us know when he can come home at that time.

will keep you posted, of course.


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