sleepytime down south

wow. newborn babies sure do keep crazy hours. little nicolas didn't feel like sleeping much at all last night, so mary got to hold and nurse him pretty much the whole evening and early morning. we've all been sleepy all day today, almost punch drunk, but filled with love and amazement, mary and i at the miracle of nicolas, and he at seemingly everything he sees or hears.

everyday it seems like we notice something new or different about him. a longer second toe than his big toe (just like his mom and his dad). more hair. a new expression. a funny hiccup. eyelashes that seem to double in size overnight. just silly mundane stuff that makes us appreciate every moment we have with him.

for the die-hard nicolas fans, we have some more of that mundane silliness, in the form of a little video below, or you can click here to watch. and if anyone out there has aol instant messenger or ichat and a broadband connection, we can schedule (ha ha, ok, we can try to schedule) some time for you to meet nicolas via the internet. we did this with the cooker grandparents yesterday and our close friend jason, with great success, so just let us know by sending us an e-mail.


Erzulie said…
He is sooo adorable, you guys!!! I can't wait to meet him in person. Mary, hope to talk to you soon when are arms and boobs are free! You guys must be so proud! I can only imagine the grandparents. Barb must be friekin' out not being able to hold her first, and most wanted for a very, very, very long time grandson. I am very happy for the both of you. You both will be awesome parents.
Love, sharon

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