an apple a day . . .

ah, if it were only that easy.

upon finishing his 3rd consecutive round of antibiotics to combat a persistent ear infection, Nicolas ended up with a cold yesterday.

we know, it's all part of the deal when you're a kid in day care, but i'm so frustrated by this antibiotic bandwagon that pediatricians seem unable to abandon. is that really the best we can do? kill ALL the bacteria, including all the good ones, and hope that the bad ones you have aren't drug resistant?

so far the bad ones are 2 for 2 in the resistant category - at least in one ear. we'll see how they fared after this last round. unless of course this cold he just caught leads to yet another, brand new ear infection. and then i guess we'll start all over again.

on the lighter side of things, he kicked a 103+ fever that he had last Thursday and Friday, and despite his cold is feeling pretty chipper. he was even chipper during most of his current ear infection, as evidenced by this clip from a couple weeks ago, following his second visit to the doctor for it:


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