15 month check-up

we took nicolas to the doctor today for his 15th month check-up. he was all smiles when we first got there, waving to everyone, running around the waiting room touching chairs and shouting da-da and ma-ma. he happily followed the nurse down the hall, saying hi to all the other nurses and doctors en route. and then we got to the exam room.

he must've remembered his last visit at that point, because he was ready to leave immediately. he cried, and started looking worried, like we'd tricked him or something. at any rate, we got through the initial exam, the doctor's exam, and the final shots. there was a good bit of crying, but by the time we headed back home he was fine.

here's the latest stats:

weight: 28 lbs (91st percentile)
height: 30 1/4" (40th percentile)
head size: 18 1/4" (35th percentile)

after watching nicolas and talking to us about his day-to-day activities, Dr. Ladd was impressed and said he seemed to be staying within his "swimming lanes" for growth and "crashing through" all the typical developmental stages for a normal 15 month old. so, officially, at 15 months, nicolas is doing great.


Anonymous said…
Wow! Check out that blonde hair!! He is cuter and cuter everyday! Can't wait to play with him someday!
jc said…
we can't wait for you to play with him either. we miss you guys!

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