
<--- Nicolas enjoyed napping in his sling today.
more new pics in the nicolas set on flickr.
We realize it's just a few days after Easter, but today we're giving thanks. the kindness and love our friends, neighbors and families have shown over the past few weeks is immeasurable, and we're really touched by it all.
It's been a little strange for us to be here with the new baby, away from our friends and relatives back home in New Orleans, but we've taken a lot of comfort in all the phone calls, e-mails, cards, and gifts we've received for us and Nicolas - they've helped us deal with the change and made us realize how lucky we are to have such wonderful people in our lives.
As we try to get Nicolas and ourselves into some sort of schedule, postings here may be a bit erratic. But we will attempt to update it at least 3 times a week - and more often if warranted.
For today, please accept our heartfelt gratitude for helping make this experience so memorable. We miss you and hope to see you soon.
Nicolas is amazing! You both are very blessed.
About the late nights...if Nicolas is on a formula, he might need a change on this. Or he might be hungry at night. Try giving him just a few tablespoons of rice cereal or oatmeal at bedtime. Keep him outside during the day as much as possible so he will sleep at night. Good Luck!