1 week report

nicolas turned 1 week old today. it's so nice to have him home and out of ICU. it's been an amazing experience. to all our friends and relatives who are parents, my respect and admiration for you cannot be quantified. there's been a lot of fussing, crying, and dirty diapers this past week but holding nicolas for 5 seconds makes all that seem trviial. mary and i keep looking at him and wondering if this is all real or if we're both having the same wonderful dream. i'm sure there will be tougher times ahead that we'll face as parents, but we're really just enjoying every moment of it right now - even the dirty diaper changing, screaming moments.
we visited the pediatrician today for his first post-hospital check-up. he's gained 4 oz., which is unusual in the first 2 weeks according to our doctor, but a good thing. he's also grown from 19" to 20.5". everything else looked good to her as well and she was encouraged by the fact that we didn't look like the walking dead as new parents of a 1 week old. we assured her we felt like it, but thanked her for the compliment.
in fact i can't believe i'm not sleeping right now, while he is. i might have another hour before he wakes back up, hungry and ready to be changed. i'm really loving it though. so is mary. this weekend we hope to host some video chats via AIM or ichat with nicolas and any of our friends who have AIM or ichat and a highspeed connection, so you can say hi. more on that later this week.
take care everyone
Welcome to the world Nicolas and congratulations fabulous parents. Of course I do not know you, but one can tell these sorts of things. Enjoy every sleep deprived moment!