september smiles
we had a great weekend here - nona visited, nicolas cooked, helped us clean up and for the most part was just a perfect little boy. the few mini-tantrums and occasional, but typical 3-yr-old bossiness were overshadowed by his huge smiles and giggles and eagerness to help out whenever and however he could on sunday.
it's amazing how much he thinks and how he thinks. we love watching him put things together in his mind and formulate great questions, concepts and theories.
we took him to rock n' sake saturday night to celebrate mary's nephew adam's 18th birthday. the sushi there is fantastic, and the music - ear-deafening loud. it's not really my bag, but nicolas had a blast.
he loved the beats and the food and was dancing in his chair while stuffing his face with snow crab and other rolls, all with a huge smile on his face.
we were worried it would be hard for him to wind down that evening, especially after birthday cake, but he was fine after about 10 minutes of intense bed-jumping, and it seemed to put him in a great mood for sunday.
adding some pics here from earlier in the month since i haven't posted much lately.
nicolas' preschool sweetheart, sophia:
he wanted me to help him climb the tree and then asked me to take his picture:
he loves making silly faces: