vieux to do
last month we took a short drive down to the French Quarter for Vieux to Do - 3 Festivals in one weekend: the Creole Tomato Fest, Louisiana Seafood Fest, and the Cajun and Zydeco Fest. It was warm, but we still enjoyed some great food:
and music:
we even did a little dancing (and zoning out):
as we were leaving we stopped in one of my favorite shops from about 15 years ago when i used to live in the quarter - Kruz. they used to have an amazing drum collection - it's dwindled down to a couple shelves now, but that was enough for Nicolas:
i'm known as the daddy who always says "no" when we're in stores, but we couldn't resist this time, and ended up leaving with this great little talking drum. he played it the entire way home, including the walk back to the car. like as soon as we stepped out of the store:
and then headed up decatur street:
and in the car up esplanade:
forgive the lyrics - he's obsessed with hurricanes these days.