new orleans dining
we took nicolas down to new orleans with us earlier this month on a business trip and to scope out a possible move back. the weather was beautiful and it was so great to be back home, especially staying in the french quarter and eating at some of our old favorite places.
nicolas enjoyed it too. here he is at our favorite sushi spot, kyoto, trying to master chopsticks:

the next night we treated ourselves to some fabulous classic new orleans cuisine at Mr. B's, where nicolas ate a little bit of everything we ordered:
and then we spent our last morning in new orleans with breakfast at petunia's. well almost. unfortunately the service was way too slow that day (apparently a cook had quit that morning), so i had to take nicolas out before we got served - he had reached his patience limit for the morning and was starting to lose it.
before his meltdown though, he did have to time to help mary finish off her tomato juice:
I think he literally drank over half of it.
we're looking forward to getting back home to new orleans soon so nicolas can keep refining his palate with that amazing new orleans cuisine.
nicolas enjoyed it too. here he is at our favorite sushi spot, kyoto, trying to master chopsticks:
the next night we treated ourselves to some fabulous classic new orleans cuisine at Mr. B's, where nicolas ate a little bit of everything we ordered:
before his meltdown though, he did have to time to help mary finish off her tomato juice:
we're looking forward to getting back home to new orleans soon so nicolas can keep refining his palate with that amazing new orleans cuisine.