still growing . . .

6 month checkup report:
we saw our new pediatrician today in nashville, dr. ladd. it was a great visit - he was super easy to talk to; he had a great bedside manner, and provided some excellent advice. the office ran like clockwork and the entire staff was friendly, attentive, and very professional. we really enjoyed the whole experience. nicolas did too, until the 4 shots he got at the end :(.
here's his latest vitals:
wt: 19 lbs (80th percentile)
ht: 26 in (25th percentile)
head circumference: 17 in (50th percentile)
overall, dr. ladd thought nicolas looked great and encouraged us to keep doing what we've been doing, which was really nice to hear. we're looking forward to getting settled in here over the next few weeks and making the most of this experience. more updates soon. . .