hey everybody!
We've been having some fun around here lately. Nicolas is pre-teething, so we've got lots of drool and biting of everything, and of course a healthy dose of fussiness.
But throughout each day we're also finding a good bit of time to laugh and giggle and get huge toothless grins from him that just make us melt.
And today we were really excited, because Nicolas started reading! I know it seems impossible for a 3 month old to read, but see for yourself:
Okay, so some skeptics out there may be saying, "Hey! He's not reading! He's just staring at the pages!" Yeah, well. If that's true, then why would he do this?
He's obviously tasting the book so he can decide if it tastes as good as it reads. Don't you think?
Or maybe he's just teething. Oh well, we're having fun either way.