7 week check-up

Nicolas went to the doctor today for his 7-week/2-month checkup. All signs are good - he's growing well - length and weight (and head size) are all right in the middle of normal percentiles. he got his immunizations today. our pediatrician takes a very holistic approach to medicine, and assured us there was no thimerosal (a mercury-containing compound that has been linked to autism) in any of the shots. he did fine - a little crying right after the shots, but not for long, and he enjoyed the ride home too.
the big news is that he can now see friends and more relatives and go to public places with us. we're planning a short road trip in a few weeks, so we're open to any advice you might have for us about extended car travel with a two-month old. (what to bring that we might not have thought of, what to expect, etc.)
Baby Food
Dead Bootlegs (1973-74)
LOTS of pot (keep it under and ounce in FL and GA)
Hand Puppets !!! They Love it!!!
Garbage Bags
Spray Bottle (classic!)
RCA Adapter (for hairdryer) Don't get pulled over!!!
Cheetos (p-p-p-plenty)
and above all...