the countdown

yesterday was our baby's due date. and they're careful to tell you that due dates are only estimations. most babies are born with a couple weeks (on either side) of that date. no sign yet, so our ob is recommending inducing next week. there are no benefits to keeping him in there any longer than 41 weeks, according to her, so we've scheduled Tuesday, April 4 as the day to go in after him, so to speak. An ultrasound yesterday revealed a healthy placenta, good amount of fluid, good movement, breathing, etc., so we have every reason to think things will be fine at this point.
while we didn't come home with a baby yesterday, we did get an ultrasound picture of his first footprint. our ob even labeled it for us, with the name we expect to call the baby (although we really need to see him first to make sure it fits).
so we've got 5 more days at the most. we'll keep you posted here.
Ooops! Can I say that? I've just made this blog x rated. Sorry!
Can't wait to meet him!
I better watch it... I might be too!