
Showing posts from November, 2006

might as well jump

what's more fun than a jumping baby?


nicolas really enjoyd spending time with his grandparents over the thanksgiving holiday.

nicolas swings

we've had gorgeous weather in nashville for the thanksgiving holiday. and we took advantage of it by putting nicolas in the baby swing that the previous home owners left for us here. he seemed to really dig it.

guess who's crawling?

nicolas talks some more

nicolas has started experimenting a lot more with sounds lately. he said "mama" yesterday for the first time, and although we didn't capture that moment on camera, we did get him saying something like "nona" here for your viewing pleasure. then he attacks the camera, sean penn style.

aunt liz says goodbye

we had a great time with liz this weekend - she helped out tremendously with nicolas, cooked an awesome dinner for us one night, and helped mary grocery shop (and meal plan!). we were sad to see her leave.

aunt liz comes to visit again . . .

happy 7 months old!

nicolas turned 7 months today. we got out today and enjoyed some fresh air at Radnor Lake - a beautiful wildlife preserve 5 miles from our house here in Nashville. Pretty fall pics like this one: in the nicolas set and the nature set on our flickr site. Enjoy!